a Rap Up
by Baba Brinkman
It’s the Contentment Foundation, State of the Union
The check in, what’s this Foundation Doing?
Can they teach the world how to spread human kindness?
Community, Self-Curiosity, Mindfulness
Contentment, Balance, what to do with a thought
With an emotion, with the human in us all
About to go global, this movement is hot
To summarize, this group is doing a lot
It’s doing a lot, you heard Daniel, it’s sparkin’
Shedding some enlightenment into the darkness
Along with the Roddenberry Foundation, it’s embarkin’
So the future is Star Trek
Daniel Cordero… I’m right there like whoah
He’s measuring impact in the number of zeros
Behind the people that the Foundation’s Helpin’
Not four or four hundred more like 40,000
To 400,000, four billion next
The plans he rolled out, yo, they’re really in depth
Team members voting on direction, how it’s gotta be
No shade to any benevolent monarchies
But Daniel’s finally set to lay the crown down
And decentralize, bring the four pillars downtown
With the help government, education, industry
Mark Abdu, Heidi Roddenberry, Emmet Keefe
We’ve got the sign ups from the city, their adapting
New York is next, got the nod from Eric Adams
And plus it’s directed by what the nerds say
Check the data science implementation survey
For fidelity, Contentment, can you feel it… breathe
I’m content with Daniel’s vision for wellbeing
With the Science of Wellbeing, deep breathe
Ahhh, that sponsorship from UBS…
At the Contentment Foundation, State of the Union
The check in, what’s this Foundation Doing?
Can they teach the world how to spread human kindness?
Community, Self-Curiosity, Mindfulness
Contentment, Balance, what to do with a thought
With an emotion, with the human in us all
About to go global, the movement is hot
To summarize, this group is doing a lot
It’s doing a lot, I guess you’d call it blessed
Reach out anytime for a Contentment Connect
To talk about the feeling of being human
Or do a Masters at Columbia Teacher’s Union
That’s just one of a hundred global schools
To adopt the four pillars, yeah you know the rules
It’s the teachers, who spread it into every nation
With Dutch Translations from Brain Balance Foundation
Thanks for the breakin’ down the game plan, Dan
The Fountainhead school, no relation to Anne Rand
Education even when you’re locked down in Bhutan
The Wellness Clinic is about to break land!
A real live center, all welcome to enter
Thanks to Emmet Keefe’s fam, spread contentment
We can spread the love, and do all this
Like Romy Alexandra with Beloved Objects
Ron Elson had to raise it up high
In Memoriam for the teachings of Thai
So many awesome people on the call
Warren with that caricature on her wall
Ara with the Trash Tree Tea, plus Nadya
Helping to deliver a newborn Alpaca!
Heidi with the painting on the wall behind her
Amelia with the envelope, the Year of the Tiger!
At the Contentment Foundation, State of the Union
The check in, what’s this Foundation Doing?
Can they teach the world how to spread human kindness?
Community, Self-Curiosity, Mindfulness
Contentment, Balance, what to do with a thought
With an emotion, with the human in us all
About to go global, the movement is hot
To summarize, this group is doing a lot
It’s doing a lot, you can check the rap source
You can check the Global Analytics Dashboard
You can check the Vision ‘cause it’s worthy of seeing
The growing list of cities of wellbeing
2021 was tough, we got disconnected
The principles of self-care were getting disconnected
But don’t get dejected, but that’s a buzz-killer
You can always turn back to the four pillars
To Self-Curiosity, asking questions
To an overall sense of balance and contentment
To Mindfulness: remaining aware of perceptions
Plus community: taking care of your connections
People want to connect, and we one hundred percent
Will hold a 2022 in-person event
I’ll be there, to bring the rap medicine
Writing rhymes on the side, hyped up on adrenaline
Like “All my people in the flesh and blood room!
Let’s feel the gratitude that we’re not on Zoom
But right now, we’re on Zoom, so live for the moment
Stay open with one another, share your emotions
Express them, with fear of rejection
And picture next year, physically connected
All together in contented bliss
All we need is one country to let us in!
At the Contentment Foundation, State of the Union
The check in, what’s this Foundation Doing?
Can they teach the world how to spread human kindness?
Community, Self-Curiosity, Mindfulness
Contentment, Balance, what to do with a thought
With an emotion, with the human in us all
About to go global, the movement is hot
So to summarize, this group is doing a lot
This group is doing a lot
It’s Contentment, Balance, what to do with a thought
With an emotion, with the human in us all
About to go global, the movement is hot
So to summarize, this group is doing a lot
This group is doing a lot
To summarize, this group is doing a lot
I said to summarize, this group is doing a lot