a Rap Up
by Baba Brinkman
It is very easy to write a rap song
on a session titled “Show Me the Money”
it kind of writes itself
Show me the money, climate change is coming
We walkin’ slowly away from it, need to
be running so…
Show me the money, get the engine humming
The climate finance is coming for everybody
Show me the money, it’s bigger than politics
Time for a climate change-compliant shopping
Show me the money, as temperature rise keeps
Keeping on, we can fight it with green bonds
So everybody show me the money
The UN WiFi sucks and the food lines are long
It’s time for radically honest dialogue
We need to subsidize how to end pollution
It’s time to show us the money like Cuba Gooding
Big bucks no juniors
Large stacks of papers
‘Cause 50% of GDP is linked to nature
To seize the opportunity the shifts must be
A tsunami of dollars and change
Is what we coming for
Let’s do what India did to coal
With the other fossil fuels
And we’ll reach the goal
I mean, it was a wide-ranging chat
So many amazing plans
With skillful moderation from Selina Abraham
She said “Get the 7 trillion in dirty subsidies
wiped off”
And don’t take too long or she’s gonna
switch your mic off
So bring this new paradigm in, finance against
There no escaping the change, the tidal wave
is arrivin’
And rolling even faster, the only question
is can we keep up
Bring in the public/private finance
Just ask the Minister from Indonesia
Ask him what we needed
7 trillion with a “T” subsidizing pollution
We paying for more problems than actual solutions
This is cognitive dissonance, it’s quite confusing
The science, out here, more than proven
We gotta keep going in this direction
I can tell you we all losing
Green bonds are a great starter tool
For us to gradually move away from fossil
The benefits way greater than the possible
Let me wrap my part up
Before Baba cuts my mic off
It’s happening in all countries, and in
all cities
The damage is everywhere, impacts are not
So let’s mobilize cash and get the climate
bonds chinging
Like “Cha-Ching” – that’s the initiative
from Sean Kidney
Y’all with me? So tell me people
Aare you down for the cause?
Canada banned harmful subsidies
Round of applause!
It’s an oil-producing country and yes, some
petrol will flow
But not with public funding
From Climate Minister Guilbeault
Whoah, we got the most capital than all time
Why would we spend more to invest in the planets
Shout out Cambodia, Canada, and UK for your
But we need conciseness from the rep from
I love the way that you was spittin’ all your
knowledge facts
We need collaboration, and that’s a fact
I said ‘collaboration’, shout out to Shawn
Because he’s got the perfect name for donations
The move has to be radical, we have the patience
Of minimum requirements for climate changes
We have to get this done, and all we have
Our choice now are either the stick or the
carrot hand
‘Cause there’s no time to waste, people,
this is not a test
Private sector finance is essential, calm
the threat
We had it from the distinguished delegates
And honored guests
We heard from the Forestry Minister from Bangladesh
This is in the field we’re planting on
Quicksand we’re standing on
The European Union is coming through with
those financial bonds
And forgiving debts where the funding can
be repurposed
For environmental service, so what does a
Euro purchase?
So show me the money, climate change is coming
We walkin’ slowly away from it, need to
be running so…
Show me the money, get the engine humming
Climate finance is coming for everybody so…
Show me the money, bigger than politics
It’s time for a climate change-compliant shopping
Show me the money, temperature rise keeps
Keeping on, but we can still fight it with
green bonds
This is a honest dialogue so the comments
will not be censored
All of our governments gotta do better
But like the rep from Germany also said
We can’t just do it publicly
We also need the private sector
We need concerted effort; the change will
It won’t magic appear like I do this card We need something like better rappers
And better political governmental actors
Shout Ms Abraham for moderation focussed on
She didn’t keeping score
That’s why she’s down with CiFOR
The Japanese delegation translated until their
time was done
But it was worth every second to hear that
Green Climate Fund
Japan showed us the money, that yen value
is killin’ it
Sustainability cash in till, $638 million
Plus you heard it from the Minister from Germany
6 Billion Euros in climate certainty
We can’t fish with a dipnet here, we gotta
catch whales
Like the Colombian Minister said: “Action
at scale”
We’re doing all we can but we need more
Shout out to Ecuador
Yo te entiendo, no necesita que traducir
Let’s protect the planet from the sky to the
sea floor
At the risk of being a broken record, we still
need more
There’s so much we all can accomplish, y’all,
we got this
Sustainable projects and carbon drawdown and
But investment is needed, the books, get some
debts off it
You heard it from Maria Susana Muhamad Gonzalez
That is an amazing name to rhyme
Maria Susana Muhamad Gonzalez, a wicked name
And debt-burdened countries will need systemic
And not just in little ways, human rights
are in place
The entire economic system needs to get rearranged
Efforts, practical
It’s gotta be realistic, not magical
We can’t do it ourselves, multilateral
I told you, it’s not a fantasy, this is actual
So how do we get it moving? Investors demand
Sean Kidney knows, he constantly talks to
all of them
And everyone agrees that 1.5 is the home base
So if there’s debt forgiveness, well that
is not for it’s own sake
A few assets will get wiped off the balance
Write down dirty coal stockpiles massively
That’s a critical act, this is a difficult
The question is: do we have will for a political
So how do we get it moving? Investors demand
Sean Kidney knows, ’cause he constantly talks
to all of them
And everyone agrees that 1.5 is the home base
So if there’s ‘debt forgiveness’, well
That’s not for it’s own sake
A few assets are gonna get wiped off the balance
Write down dirty coal stockpiles massively
That’s a critical act, and this is a difficult
The question is: does this room we have the
For the political pact?
Okay, some come, show go
Some show backbone, we’re halfway home
Countries still have to manage all their critical
cash flow
It’s a market economy, that’s known
Take it from the Minister from Gabon
Norway doesn’t want their sovereign wealth
cash blown
All we need to do is flow in a direction that’s
Cash Rules Everything Around Me – C.R.E.A.M.
So yes, it’s true, all of our countries
can dream
Just dream big and dream fast, ‘cause the
need is extreme
So, show me the money
Climate change is coming
We walkin’ slowly away from it, need to
be running, so…
Show me the money
Get the engine humming
Climate finance is coming for everybody so…
Show me the money
It’s bigger than politics
Time for a climate change compliant shopping
Show me the money, as temperature rise keeps
Keeping on, can we fight it with green bonds?
Either way you gotta
Show me the money
You got it
Make some noise for yourselves
Thank you all, we are Event Rap
This is Baba Brinkman
My name is Dex McBean
If you have time, if you see us around
Come by, shake a hand
We wrote that special for you