Watch Course Summary Videos

Epics and Empires

Nathan Dufour sums up Dr. Ted Leinbaugh’s popular “Empire and Diplomacy” course at UNC Chapel Hill.

Created for the Transatlantic Forum for Education and Diplomacy.

The Language Instinct

Nathanology takes us on a whirlwind tour of the evolution of language-use in humans, in collaboration with CARTA UCSD.

Round of Applause

Dex McBean sums up the popular “Human Factors of Innovation” course taught by Professor Linus Dahlander at the European School of Management and Technology in Berlin.

Climate Hero

The win-win health co-benefits of climate mitigation upend the familiar ‘doom and gloom’ narrative that adheres to the topic, and upends the very definition of a climate hero.

Survival Plan

Abdominal breaks down the science of climate health impacts, and the need to accurately gauge the projected risks to best formulate our collective “Survival Plan”.

Quantitative Genetics

Lex Rush delivers a rap introduction to the field of quantitative genetics, the study of how genes affect traits in organisms, including humans, relative to environmental inputs.

Grandmother Hypothesis

Dizzy Senze tallies up the evolutionary (and social and emotional) benefits offered by the phenomenon of grandmothering, in a heartfelt rap video commissioned by CARTA UCSD.

NUSBS Means Business

Dex McBean summarizes an entire semester of Dr. Arzi Adbi’s Business Strategy course at the National University of Singapore School of Business.

The World Since 1945

Lex Rush breaks down the major events and trends in world history since 1945, summarizing the popular course taught at the University of Queensland, Australia.

Let’s Talk Entrepreneurship

Dex McBean sums up the popular Entrepreneurship course taught by Professor Linus Dahlander at the European School of Management and Technology in Berlin.


Course Summary

Nothing captures the essence of a challenging semester of study like a rap summary of the intellectual journey shared by every student.

Send us the syllabus, whether in the form of an abstract, reading list, set of videos, key themes, or article links, and Event Rap will create a custom rap synthesis that resonates with students, elevates your discipline, and provides a fun and fact-filled introduction to anyone curious to check it out.

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